Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Today I am grateful for health.  Health is a funny thing.  It's something you never even think about and completely take for granted until you or someone you care about no longer has it.  (Like when you get a cold and all of the sudden you realize how wonderful it was to take a deep breath through an unstuffy nose.)

I've been thinking a lot today about those I care about who aren't doing so well - a friend's husband, who has pancreatic cancer;  another friend who went into pre-term labor (her baby isn't due until January).  Those are scary things.  They make me think about how lucky I am to be able to walk, bend, jump, reach, run, even just breathe.

I am so grateful for the health that I have enjoyed up to this point in my life.  It's something I want relish, instead of just presuming it will always be there.

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