Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

  1. Plant a garden
  2. Have people over for dinner once a month
  3. Sew a quilt (continued from last year)
  4. Move to a new state that I haven't lived in before
  5. Run a 10k
  6. Write a letter/thank you note every week
  7. Read a book to Hannah every day
  8. Compile a cookbook of all my favorite recipes
  9. Write down the story of us
  10. Plan a really awesome first birthday party for Hannah (ideas anyone?)
  11. Study the scriptures every day before noon
  12. Eat only one dessert a day (it's embarrassing that this is actually going to be difficult for me)
  13. Read the Doctrine and Covenants cover to cover
  14. Blog once a week-ish
  15. Use coupons more

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your uplifting and inspiring posts!! Your cover picture is beautiful, you look gorgeous!
